Howdy. Before I take you to the Labyrinth, a couple pointers.

  • This game makes heavy use of i-frames. I'm researching ways to make this work on Firefox, but that'll take a hot sec. In the meantime, please use a different browser for this game.
  • I have not tested this game on mobile sites. I don't know what happens. Fuck around and find out.
  • This game is a work of fiction, and a work of metafiction. It does not contain actual minotaurs.
  • To play the game, you'll have to click and drag i-frames. There will be bars separating "panes" of your screen that you can click and drag to move the frames around.
  • You'll also have to be careful about where you click. Most of the time, clicking through somewhere will just take you to the next page in the sequence -- but if something's underlined, it's not the same hypertext as the rest of the page! Pay attention to your tooltip.

So, without further ado ...